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Lectures on Indigenous culture and issues

Icône - Conférences autochtones, présentiel ou virtuel


Our lectures are offered in person upon request, as well as virtually throughout the year (check our calendar)

Icône - Conférences autochtones, contenu sur mesure


Opportunity to create customized workshops to meet the specific needs of your organization

Icône - Conférences autochtones, expertise et authenticité


High-quality lectures offered by First Nations members


Image illustrant l'Institut Ashukan, son éventail de services et sa vocation à promouvoir la connaissance et la compréhension des réalités autochtones à travers des formations, conférences, recherches et accompagnements stratégiques.
Territorial Recognition
Indian Act
Truth and Reconciliation
EDI (Equity-Diversity-Inclusion)
Indigenous Research Methodology
Indigenous Law
Cultural Safety
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Directory of lectures

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Droit autochtone

Évolution des encadrements juridiques autochtones – des structures confédératives autochtones à la LDNUDPA
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Vérités & Réconciliation

Les défis contemporains du vivre-ensemble entre Québécois et Autochtones
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Méthodologie de recherche autochtone

Méthodologies de recherche en contexte autochtone : quels enjeux éthiques et comment les intégrer dans les projets
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Reconnaissance territoriale

Territoires autochtones et identités complexes – de la doctrine de la découverte aux énoncés de reconnaissance territoriales
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Équité-Diversité-Inclusion (EDI)

Approches Équité-Diversité-Inclusion (EDI) : quelles nuances à apporter en contexte autochtone?
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Structures politiques

Structures politiques et leadership autochtone : pour un autre point de vue sur l’histoire du Canada
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Histoire autochtone

Conférence d’introduction générale : Histoire et nations autochtones au Québec
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Biais inconscients

Biais inconscients et peuples autochtones : améliorer les relations avec les clientèles autochtones
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Sécurité culturelle

Sécurité culturelle en contexte autochtone – développez des pratiques sécurisantes adaptées à votre milieu
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Enjeux de la mise en œuvre de l’autodétermination et de l’autonomie gouvernementale 
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Partenariats avec les Premiers Peuples

Compétences interculturelles et développement de partenariats avec les peuples autochtones
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Autochtonisation de l'enseignement

Enjeux et défis de l’autochtonisation des institutions d’enseignement
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Traditions orales

Traditions orales et mythologies : perspectives autochtones
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Structures politiques

Structures politiques et administratives des Premiers Peuples au Canada
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Développement économique

Développement économique avec les premiers peuples, opportunités et défis
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Foresterie autochtone

Foresterie autochtone : enjeux et perspectives
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Autochtones en milieux urbains

Autochtones en milieu urbain – portrait de situation et vision d’avenir
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Relations avec les médias

Autochtones et relations avec les médias
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Revendications territoriales

Résurgence et revendications autochtones - plongez dans l'histoire de la résurgence autochtone et des principaux dossiers de revendications territoriales
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Ressources humaines

Enjeux interculturels et biais inconscients – outils pour le recrutement et la gestion des ressources humaines en contexte autochtone
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Sécurisation culturelle

Mieux comprendre le monde autochtone pour mieux interagir
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Our speakers

Photo d'Alexandre Bacon, Président-fondateur et conférencier à l'Institut Ashukan, spécialiste des enjeux autochtones contemporains.

Alexandre Bacon

With a master’s degree in public administration, Alexandre Bacon has acted as a political advisor for the Innu Nation and as a Strategic Advisor to various organizations, particularly on governance and self-government issues.

He is a skilled communicator with many talents and is regularly called upon to facilitate meetings between Indigenous and non-Indigenous authorities. Alexandre is the Founding President of the Ashukan Institute, an organization dedicated to deploying training programs focusing on Indigenous communities' history and socio-political realities and providing concrete tools for participants to interact and work more effectively with First Nations.

In addition to his achievements as an entrepreneur and bridge builder between communities, Alexandre Bacon is an outstanding storyteller with a great passion for Innu mythology.

Institut Ashukan - Équipe - Édith Bélanger

Edith Bélanger

Edith Bélanger is a member of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) Wahsipekuk First Nation of Cacouna, Quebec. Author of two books on Wolastoqey culture and collaborator on two collections of texts by Indigenous authors, she is a public speaker on Indigenous issues and a columnist for Radio-Canada, where she writes a weekly column on the Indigenous Spaces platform.

In addition to being the mother of four children, Edith graduated in philosophy from Laval University, completed a DESS from the École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP) in Public Administration in Indigenous Context in addition to being part of the Wabanaki Leadership Institute scholarship program at the University of Maine. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Traditional Indigenous Governance at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT). Her interest in Indigenous cultures, traditions and rituals dates back to her childhood and has led her to study in several areas, such as law, herbalism and traditional healing processes. She lives in Rivière-du-Loup.

Institut Ashukan - Équipe - Pierre Picard

Pierre Picard

Pierre Picard is a member of the Huron-Wendat Nation.  He is trained in the psycho-corporal intervention approach, has a master’s degree in clinical sexology and specializes in sexual assault among First Nations in Quebec.  He has led the Indigenous Psychosocial Research and Intervention Group (GRIPMA) for several years.  Mr. Picard is a public speaker, trainer, researcher, clinical supervisor and lecturer at the Université de Montréal in Public Health at the Faculty of Continuing Education. He has conducted several studies focusing exclusively on psychosocial issues in Indigenous communities and healing methods adapted to cultural and identity differences specific to First Nations in Quebec.   He is an expert on several government working groups and committees and regularly collaborates in developing policies, programs and strategies, specifically on cultural safety in Indigenous communities.  He is the 2022 recipient of the First Peoples Medal awarded by the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec.

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